“Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do" (Benjamin Spoke)

My productive day

05 December, 2019

But morning is constant. Just keep going. Wake up. Open your eyes, look!

I try to make my day start cheerfully and productively.

1. My morning starts with a glass of water.

2. Get up at the same time or at least approximately. It does not matter if it is a weekend or a workday. A healthy and proper sleep regime helps make your day the most productive. I wake up at 05.30 and at the weekends sometimes at 7 or 07.30. It helps me stay cheerful, plan about my day right from the morning. In addition, I stay organized.

 3. Exercise in the morning. Now I have started to do exercises for the back and stretching. It is useful for posture and muscles. I advise you.

4. Do not check your phone as soon as you wake up: social media, mail, etc… All this can wait. Since this is will take much time. Time is valuable to me.

5. It is very motivating when you wake up before everyone else. There is such feeling of superiority that you are ahead, that you are before all. This gives confidence and gives extra energy to keep going forward.

6. Read a book or explore something new. It is part of my morning. You do not even imagine how great it is to get out of the house with the feeling that you have already done so much since the morning. A sense of confidence, motivation.

7. Personally for me, if leaving the house feels like I have a mess on my head or I look kind of wrong, i.e. if I am not comfortable in what I am dressed in, then my day will be the same mess, not organized. Because I will not be able to be fully focused, and I will think as if to finish the job faster. So I try to pay attention to what is on my head (and in my head too).

8. Plan your outfit in advance so that you do not spend a lot of time thinking from morning. It is so stressful if you are standing by the wardrobe in the morning and wasting a lot of time thinking about what to wear. I have to think in advance about what to wear from the evening. Many successful and famous people, such as Steve Jobs. He wore the same outfit. He said he had a few identical T-shirts, and he was just changing them. I have not come to this yet, but I want to pack and do basic things for myself.

9. Breakfast. I have started eating oatmeal again. Started eating properly, a little, but often. The main thing is not to overeat in the morning. My breakfasts, it is a separate story, I will write about it sometime.

10. I try to make my morning positive. Whatever happens at home, on the way, it depends on the reaction. You choose how to react to an action. For example, if you have trampled your feet in the subway, you do not have to be angry and nervous inside "what kind of people, can not be more careful, etc." And you can just "well, nothing serious happens, still solved." You do not have to ruin your mood and morning because of those little things. Do not let yourself get annoyed and nervous about some nonsense. This can happen to everyone.

11. You have to try to see positive in everything. To be grateful. Even to wake up in the morning you need a good mood and energy.

12. I decided for myself that working with breaks is very productive. I mean, I combine work with rest. Sometimes I use Pomodoro. For example, I have to finish something, a task, I give myself time and during that time I work. And at the same time, I look forward to ending this task, because I will award myself. For example, I will treat myself to a delicious coffee, walk in the open air or even buy something for myself. That is what I do a few times. That way I concentrate on the task, the job, I do not stretch it for the whole day, and I encourage myself afterwards. It really works.

Moving forward is my destiny.