I’d rather die than live without passion.


Just self-compassion

Just self-compassion

11 March, 2020

"I have to move on, I can not move on, I will move on." Samuel Beckett In the most difficult moments of life, when it is hard for you, at some point you feel like a victim, and Mrs. "pity" knocks at you in the heart. And immediately the inner voice begins the monologue: "What did I do wrong?," Why am I?"...



02 March, 2020

"It is time to stop waiting for unexpected gifts from life, and to do life yourself." - Sylvester Stallone
All people are to some extent alone, even when surrounded by people. When a person closes in himself, in his world, where there is no one but him, he remains face to face with memories, injuries, awareness...

Only because I am no one, I can be someone

Only because I am no one, I can be someone

16 February, 2020

"The stars I love so much only shine at night."
I often say to myself, "Believe in yourself, and you will overcome everything. You are stronger than you seem ". After a short break, I write again. During this time, there has been a change in my life. There were good and bad moments. I got something again, I lost it, and I am still looking for something again...

Moments of Freedom

Moments of Freedom

20 January, 2020

A free person is a true treasure.
Lately, I have been living with a cloud of thoughts about the future. How it will be, where I will be, what the future holds. Sometimes I forget about the present. Tomorrow, which I hope for and expect at one point can become 'present'. And the 'present' will be 'yesterday'...

Be Yourself or nobody

Be Yourself or nobody

22 December, 2019

«I learned to love myself for who I am, who I was and who I hope to become in the future» - Kim Nam Jun Be yourself. It seems so simple. But in fact, when you find yourself in difficult, sensitive situations, when you have to make a decision on which your condition, mood, or even future may depend, you are at a standstill. You start thinking about everything except yourself...