I’d rather die than live without passion.

Moments of Freedom

20 January, 2020

A free person is a true treasure.

Lately, I have been living with a cloud of thoughts about the future. How it will be, where I will be, what the future holds. Sometimes I forget about the present. Tomorrow, which I hope for and expect at one point can become 'present'. And the 'present' will be 'yesterday'.

“Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” – John Lennon


Life is to live every moment.

All these moments that happen to you in the present will wrap you like a warm blanket in the future. The present is as important and valuable as the future. I am grateful for many moments in my life. I am glad I have them and have been. I am glad I can create them.

We are too young to live with doubt.

People put their own limits. You think you live, but it is not your own life. You always think what others will say, what they will think. Do not waste your precious time on it. It is your life path, your present, and it is up to you to live it. Wherever you live, you have to live whatever you want without fear. DO NOT live like in prison clamped in a frame. If you want something - do it.

Live your life to the full. Being free from fear, shyness, doubt is a real miracle.

Life does not mean living straight. Change the direction of your life if you so want, and so it will be better for you.

If you live within and forever shy and think that is what everyone does, it should be. You have to be glad you live. And most importantly, you are well and calm, and you are happy.

You have to make decisions based on your heart 's wishes.

"It seems to me that all this time we are racing without looking back. I hope we have time to stop, change our spirits and just smile "- Park Chi-min

I still have everything ahead of me. And I want to live and rejoice in the present. I believe tomorrow will be better than yesterday.